Why Do I Need A Durable Power Of Attorney And Advance Health Care Directive?
It is impossible to plan for the unforeseeable. However, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself in the event of future illness, incapacity or death.
At the Law Offices of Connie Yi, PC, I help individuals draft durable powers of attorney and advance health care directives that ensure their wishes regarding end of life health care are respected and their finances are appropriately managed in the event of their future illness, incapacitation or death.
Durable Power Of Attorney And Advance Health Care Directive Lawyer
I am attorney Connie Yi. For more than 10 years, I have been helping generations of families create comprehensive estate plans that protect their property and reduce their tax liabilities.
Protecting your financial and health care-related interests is just as important as protecting your property. Estate plans that lack powers of attorney and advance health care directives are not complete. Unless these tools are incorporated into an estate plan, individuals have no way to dictate how their money is to be managed and their health care provided when they are unable to make decisions on their own behalf.
At the Law Offices of Connie Yi, PC, I help individuals draft durable powers of attorney and advance health care directives that protect their current and future financial and health care-related interests.
Make Your Voice Heard
At the Law Offices of Connie Yi, PC, I believe you should stay in control of your health care. Drafting an advance health care directive allows you to name a trusted friend or family member to make health-related decisions for you when you are no longer able to do so. By clearly communicating your fears, beliefs and goals regarding end-of-life health care, you stay in control of your future health.
Durable powers of attorney are another vehicle used by many to ensure their financial assets are properly managed.
As you age it may become increasingly difficult to properly manage your financial affairs. A durable power of attorney allows you to name a responsible agent — typically a family member or friend — to administer financial affairs on your behalf. Not only does this ensure your bills are paid and money is invested appropriately, it also reduces the burden on family members who may struggle to pay your bills and meet your financial commitments without access to your funds.
Contact me, Alameda County estate planning attorney Connie Yi, at 888-312-6978. I speak fluent Mandarin and Cantonese.