Bay Area Estate And Tax Planning Law Firm

Don’t hesitate to ask your would-be estate planner tough questions

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2019 | Uncategorized |

If all lawyers in a select practice area were the same, choosing legal counsel would hardly be a chore, would it? An individual or family seeking assistance would merely need to highlight the first name on a list and pick up the phone.

Real life is not that simple, though, as we all know. The reality underscoring any attorney list is that competencies vary among practitioners. So too do important things like passion, sustained focus and a commitment to securing best-case results in every client matter.

Such variance is evident across every legal realm.

And it is especially notable in the estate planning and administration sphere.

That area of law is comparatively replete with complexity and the interweaving of multiple legal considerations. And it tends to become progressively complicated for so-called “high net worth” planners. When it comes to astute estate administration and the crafting of smart and well-tailored strategies, randomly circling a name from a list of potential advocates is, well, not smart.

A senior officer with a major wealth management firm stresses in a recent Forbes article that high-asset individuals and families looking for strong estate representation truly do need to make a reasoned and careful choice.

She prominently notes that they optimally need to secure “an adviser with sophisticated tax and estate planning skills.” Complex estate administration is intimately tied with multiple tax considerations, spawning a financial picture for especially well-heeled planners that “brings both greater opportunities and greater risks.” That writer highlights the need for such individuals to directly pose the hard questions to a planner “that clarify whether [he or she] is up to the job.”

We welcome such inquiries at the long-established Bay Area Law Offices of Connie Yi, P.C. As we duly note on our website, our principal lawyer “is an experienced attorney who is also a certified public accountant (CPA.)

That integrated background highly relevant to sophisticated estate administration immediately and markedly distinguishes our planning firm from most others that compete in the marketplace.

We invite readers to closely examine our planning credentials and strong client commitment and contact our firm for a candid consultation concerning estate administration strategies. We welcome the opportunity to help every valued client craft an enduring plan that fully advances all key planning objectives.

