No California resident or individual residing elsewhere could even a brief few weeks ago remotely imagine the vastly aligned universe we now ilive n.
Candidly, it’s been turned upside down, hasn’t it?
It is understatement to note that we – virtually every one of us – are materially challenged by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic now sweeping the world. Every demographic – regardless of age, gender, race or any other measuring yardstick – has been acutely affected by the crisis. People are necessarily responding in fundamentally altered ways to a nemesis that demands constant attention and a maximum due-care posture.
California regulators have been notably timely, proactive and rigorous in their COVID-19 response. Things are still serious, of course, but hope is rising that we will defeat this virus, return to normalcy and ultimately forge ahead with reinvigorated resiliency.
That hope is partially underscored by many service providers’ strong attempts to retain close and meaningful contact with the individuals and families who rely upon them.
We are certainly a case in point at the established Bay Area Law Offices of Connie Yi, PC. Although our doors – like those of almost all other businesses – are largely shuttered during the crisis, we have taken a number of meaningful steps to remain presently accessible to our diverse and valued clients.
We draw readers’ attention to a recent Forbes article. That piece stresses that, while things are clearly unbalanced currently, there are still ways for estate planning clients to work closely with their trusted advisers and advance important agendas.
We welcome contacts to the firm to discuss strategies and routes that continue to enable individuals to promote key planning goals.